Thursday, August 28, 2008


St. Louis IX
King of France, son of Louis VIII and Blanche of Castile, born at Poissy, 25 April, 1215; died near Tunis, 25 August, 1270.

He was eleven years of age when the death of Louis VIII made him king, and nineteen when he married Marguerite of Provence by whom he had eleven children. The regency of Blanche of Castile (1226-1234) was marked by the victorious struggle of the Crown against Raymond VII in Languedoc, against Pierre Mauclerc in Brittany, against Philip Hurepel in the Ile de France, and by indecisive combats against Henry III of England. In this period of disturbances the queen was powerfully supported by the legate Frangipani. Accredited to Louis VIII by Honorius III as early as 1225, Frangipani won over to the French cause the sympathies of Gregory IX, who was inclined to listen to Henry III, and through his intervention it was decreed that all the chapters of the dioceses should pay to Blanche of Castile tithes for the southern crusade. It was the legate who received the submission of Raymond VII, Count of Languedoc, at Paris, in front of Notre-Dame, and this submission put an end to the Albigensian war and prepared the union of the southern provinces to France by the Treaty of Paris (April 1229). The influence of Blanche de Castile over the government extended far beyond St. Louis's minority. Even later, in public business and when ambassadors were officially received, she appeared at his side. She died in 1253.

In the first years of the king's personal government, the Crown had to combat a fresh rebellion against feudalism, led by the Count de la Marche, in league with Henry III. St. Louis's victory over this coalition at Taillebourg, 1242, was followed by the Peace of Bordeaux which annexed to the French realm a part of Saintonge.

It was one of St. Louis's chief characteristics to carry on abreast his administration as national sovereign and the performance of his duties towards Christendom; and taking advantage of the respite which the Peace of Bordeaux afforded, he turned his thoughts towards a crusade. Stricken down with a fierce malady in 1244, he resolved to take the cross when news came that Turcomans had defeated the Christians and the Moslems and invaded Jerusalem. (On the two crusades of St. Louis [1248-1249 and 1270] see CRUSADES.) Between the two crusades he opened negotiations with Henry III, which he thought would prevent new conflicts between France and England. The Treaty of Paris (28 May, 1258) which St. Louis concluded with the King of England after five years' parley, has been very much discussed. By this treaty St. Louis gave Henry III all the fiefs and domains belonging to the King of France in the Dioceses of Limoges, Cahors, and Périgueux; and in the event of Alphonsus of Poitiers dying without issue, Saintonge and Agenais would escheat to Henry III. On the other hand Henry III renounced his claims to Normandy, Anjou, Touraine, Maine, Poitou, and promised to do homage for the Duchy of Guyenne. It was generally considered and Joinville voiced the opinion of the people, that St. Louis made too many territorial concessions to Henry III; and many historians held that if, on the contrary, St. Louis had carried the war against Henry III further, the Hundred Years War would have been averted. But St. Louis considered that by making the Duchy of Guyenne a fief of the Crown of France he was gaining a moral advantage; and it is an undoubted fact that the Treaty of Paris, was as displeasing to the English as it was to the French. In 1263, St. Louis was chosen as arbitrator in a difference which separated Henry III and the English barons: by the Dit d'Amiens (24 January, 1264) he declared himself for Henry III against the barons, and annulled the Provisions of Oxford, by which the barons had attempted to restrict the authority of the king. It was also in the period between the two crusades that St. Louis, by the Treaty of Corbeil, imposed upon the King of Aragon the abandonment of his claims to all the fiefs in Languedoc excepting Montpellier, and the surrender of his rights to Provence (11 May, 1258). Treaties and arbitrations prove St. Louis to have been above all a lover of peace, a king who desired not only to put an end to conflicts, but also to remove the causes for fresh wars, and this spirit of peace rested upon the Christian conception.

St. Louis's relations with the Church of France and the papal Court have excited widely divergent interpretations and opinions. However, all historians agree that St. Louis and the successive popes united to protect the clergy of France from the encroachments or molestations of the barons and royal officers. It is equally recognized that during the absence of St. Louis at the crusade, Blanche of Castile protected the clergy in 1251 from the plunder and ill-treatment of a mysterious old maurauder called the "Hungarian Master" who was followed by a mob of armed men — called the "Pastoureaux." The "Hungarian Master" who was said to be in league with the Moslems died in an engagement near Villaneuve and the entire band pursued in every direction was dispersed and annihilated.

But did St. Louis take measures also to defend the independence of the clergy against the papacy? A number of historians once claimed he did. They attributed to St. Louis a certain "pragmatic sanction" of March 1269, prohibiting irregular collations of ecclesiastical benefices, prohibiting simony, and interdicting the tributes which the papal Court received from the French clergy. The Gallicans of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries often made use of this measure against the Holy See; the truth is that it was a forgery fabricated in the fourteenth century by juris-consults desirous of giving to the Pragmatic Sanction of Charles VII a precedent worthy of respect. This so-called pragmatic of Louis IX is presented as a royal decree for the reformation of the Church; never would St. Louis thus have taken upon himself the right to proceed authoritatively with this reformation. When in 1246, a great number of barons from the north and the west leagued against the clergy whom they accused of amassing too great wealth and of encroaching upon their rights, Innocent IV called upon Louis to dissolve this league; how the king acted in the matter is not definitely known. On 2 May, 1247, when the Bishops of Soissons and of Troyes, the archdeacon of Tours, and the provost of the cathedral of Rouen, despatched to the pope a remonstrance against his taxations, his preferment of Italians in the distribution of benefices, against the conflicts between papal jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the ordinaries, Marshal Ferri Pasté seconded their complaints in the name of St. Louis. Shortly after, these complaints were reiterated and detailed in a lengthy memorandum, the text of which has been preserved by Mathieu Paris, the historian. It is not known whether St. Louis affixed his signature to it, but in any case, this document was simply a request asking for the suppression of the abuses, with no pretensions to laying down principles of public right, as was claimed by the Pragmatic Sanction.

Documents prove that St. Louis did not lend an ear to the grievances of his clergy against the emissaries of Urban IV and Clement IV; he even allowed Clement IV to generalize a custom in 1265 according to which the benefices the titularies of which died while sojourning in Rome, should be disposed of by the pope. Docile to the decrees of the Lateran Council (1215), according to which kings were not to tax the churches of their realm without authority from the pope, St. Louis claimed and obtained from successive popes, in view of the crusade, the right to levy quite heavy taxes from the clergy. It is again this fundamental idea of the crusade, ever present in St. Louis's thoughts that prompted his attitude generally in the struggle between the empire and the pope. While the Emperor Frederick II and the successive popes sought and contended for France's support, St. Louis's attitude was at once decided and reserved. On the one hand he did not accept for his brother Robert of Artois, the imperial crown offered him by Gregory IX in 1240. In his correspondence with Frederick he continued to treat him as a sovereign, even after Frederick had been excommunicated and declared dispossessed of his realms by Innocent IV at the Council of Lyons, 17 July, 1245. But on the other hand, in 1251, the king compelled Frederick to release the French archbishops taken prisoners by the Pisans, the emperor's auxiliaries, when on their way in a Genoese fleet to attend a general council at Rome. In 1245, he conferred at length, at Cluny, with Innocent IV who had taken refuge in Lyons in December, 1244, to escape the threats of the emperor, and it was at this meeting that the papal dispensation for the marriage of Charles Anjou, brother of Louis IX, to Beatrix, heiress of Provençe was granted and it was then that Louis IX and Blanche of Castile promised Innocent IV their support. Finally, when in 1247 Frederick II took steps to capture Innocent IV at Lyons, the measures Louis took to defend the pope were one of the reasons which caused the emperor to withdraw. St. Louis looked upon every act of hostility from either power as an obstacle to accomplishing the crusade. In the quarrel over investitures, the king kept on friendly terms with both, not allowing the emperor to harass the pope and never exciting the pope against the emperor. In 1262 when Urban offered St. Louis, the Kingdom of Sicily, a fief of the Apostolic See, for one of his sons, St. Louis refused it, through consideration for the Swabian dynasty then reigning; but when Charles of Anjou accepted Urban IV's offer and went to conquer the Kingdom of Sicily, St. Louis allowed the bravest knights of France to join the expedition which destroyed the power of the Hohenstaufens in Sicily. The king hoped, doubtless, that the possession of Sicily by Charles of Anjou would be advantageous to the crusade.

St. Louis led an exemplary life, bearing constantly in mind his mother's words: "I would rather see you dead at my feet than guilty of a mortal sin." His biographers have told us of the long hours he spent in prayer, fasting, and penance, without the knowledge of his subjects. The French king was a great lover of justice. French fancy still pictures him delivering judgements under the oak of Vincennes. It was during his reign that the "court of the king" (curia regis) was organized into a regular court of justice, having competent experts, and judicial commissions acting at regular periods. These commissions were called parlements and the history of the "Dit d'Amiens" proves that entire Christendom willingly looked upon him as an international judiciary. It is an error, however, to represent him as a great legislator; the document known as "Etablissements de St. Louis" was not a code drawn up by order of the king, but merely a collection of customs, written out before 1273 by a jurist who set forth in this book the customs of Orléans, Anjou, and Maine, to which he added a few ordinances of St. Louis.

St. Louis was a patron of architecture. The Sainte Chappelle, an architectural gem, was constructed in his reign, and it was under his patronage that Robert of Sorbonne founded the "Collège de la Sorbonne," which became the seat of the theological faculty of Paris.

He was renowned for his charity. The peace and blessings of the realm come to us through the poor he would say. Beggars were fed from his table, he ate their leavings, washed their feet, ministered to the wants of the lepers, and daily fed over one hundred poor. He founded many hospitals and houses: the House of the Felles-Dieu for reformed prostitutes; the Quinze-Vingt for 300 blind men (1254), hospitals at Pontoise, Vernon, Compiégne.

The Enseignements (written instructions) which he left to his son Philip and to his daughter Isabel, the discourses preserved by the witnesses at judicial investigations preparatory to his canonization and Joinville's anecdotes show St. Louis to have been a man of sound common sense, possessing indefatigable energy, graciously kind and of playful humour, and constantly guarding against the temptation to be imperious. The caricature made of him by the envoy of the Count of Gueldre: "worthless devotee, hypocritical king" was very far from the truth. On the contrary, St. Louis, through his personal qualities as well as his saintliness, increased for many centuries the prestige of the French monarchy (see FRANCE). St. Louis's canonization was proclaimed at Orvieto in 1297, by Boniface VIII. Of the inquiries in view of canonization, carried on from 1273 till 1297, we have only fragmentary reports published by Delaborde ("Mémoires de la société de l'histoire de Paris et de l'Ilea de France," XXIII, 1896) and a series of extracts compiled by Guillaume de St. Pathus, Queen Marguerite's confessor, under the title of "Vie Monseigneur Saint Loys" (Paris, 1899).

Sunday, August 3, 2008



Missierna San Franġisk kellu mħabba speċjali lejn il-Verġni Mqaddsa u għalhekk kellu ħafna għal-qalbu il-kappella ta’ Santa Marija ta’ l-Anġli, magħrufa bħala “Porzjunkola” (li bit-Taljan ta’ dak iż-żmien kienet tfisser ‘sehem żgħir’), li hu kien sewwa b’idejh stess. Kien f’dan il-post li waqqaf l-Ordni ta’ l-Aħwa ż-Żgħar, inawgura l-Ordni tal-Klarissi u temm il-vjaġġ tiegħu fuq din l-art b’mewta qaddisa.
F’jum sajfi ta’ 1216, Franġisku, flimkien ma’ Fra Masseo, telaq lejn Peruġja, fejn kien qiegħed joqgħod il-Papa, u qallu,
“Il-bieraħ kelli dehra ta’ Kristu flimkien ma’ Ommu Marija imdawwrin bl-Anġli tas-sema ġewwa l-Kappella ta’ Santa Marija ta’ l-Anġli. Hemmhekk il-Mulej qalli, ‘Franġisku, itlobni dak li trid għall-glorja t’Alla u l-fidwa tal-bnedmin.’
Il-Qaddis irrispondih, “Mulej, nitolbok, bl-interċessjoni tal-Verġni Mqaddsa, Avukata tal-bnedmin kollha, u li tinsab hawn, li tagħti indulġenza lil kull min iżur din il-Knisja.”
Il-Verġni mqaddsa baxxiet rasha quddiem Binha biex turi li di kit-talbet kienet tagħha wkoll, u t-talba tagħha ġiet milquha. Ġesù, mbagħad, qal lil Franġisku biex imur Peruġja biex jikseb dak li xtaq mingħand il-Papa.
Malli sab ruħu fil-preżenza tal-Papa Onorju III, Franġisku qallu, “Ftit taż-żmien ilu, sewwejt Knisja ddedikata lil Marija, l-Imqaddsa Omm Alla. Jiena ġejt għandek biex nitlob li kull min iżur din il-Knisja fil-jum li ġiet ikkonsagrata, ikun jista’ jikseb indulġenza mingħajr il-ħlas ta’ ebda offerta.”
Il-Papa qallu, “U għal kemm il-sena trid li tingħata din l-indulġenza? Sena? Tlett snin?”
“Missier Qaddis, x’inhuma tlett snin?”
“Tridha għal sitta? Jew anki sebgħa snin?”
“Jiena mhux snin nixtieq, iżda erwieħ!”
“X’jiġifieri, ‘erwieħ’?”
“Irrid ngħid li kull min jidħol f’din il-Knisja, wara li jkun qerr u jieħu l-assoluzzjoni, jirċievi l-maħfra ta’ dnubietu kollha, kemm il-ħtija, fik ukoll il-piena.”
“Iżda qatt għadha ma ngħatat ħaġa bħal din!”
“Missier Qaddis! Mhux qiegħed nitkellem hekk min rajja, iżda ghaliex bgħatni l-Mulej Ġesù!”
“Mela fl-Isem tal-Mulej, ħa jsir kif tixtieq inti, jiena nagħtihielek għal dejjem, iżda darba fis-sena biss, jiġifieri mill-ewwel Għasar sa l-Għasar tal-Festa.
(Armstrong, Regis A., FRANCIS OF ASSISI- THE PROPHET, Vol III, p.806- 812.

Hekk ingħatat din l’Indulġenza; iżda l-Papiet ta’ wara żieduha. Taw, mhux biss dak li kien talab San Franġisk għall-Knisja ta’ Santa Marija ta’ l-Anġli – jiġifieri kuljum – iżda kabbruha wkoll! Tant li llum m’hemmx bżonn li wieħed imur f’din il-Knisja ġewwa Assisi biex jikseb din l-Indulġenza, għaliex jista jiksibha f’kull Knisja Franġiskana u f’kull Knisja Parrokkjali.
Biex tinkiseb din l-Indulġenza Plenarja, wieħed għandu:

1. Iżur Knisja Franġiskana jew Knisja Parrokkjali minn-Nofsinhar tat-Tnejn, 1 t’Awwissu sa Nofs il-Lejl tat-Tlieta, 2 t’Awwissu;
2. Fiha jitlob “Missierna”, Kredu u Talba oħra skond l-intenzjoni tal-Papa (per eżempju Pater, Ave Glorja);
3. Jersqu għall-Qrar u t-Tqarbin matul dawn il-jumejn (jew ftit ġranet qabel jew wara).

1471 “L-indulġenza hi l-maħfra quddiem Alla tal-piena taż-żmien li kienet tistħoqq minħabba dnubiet li tagħhom ġa tħassret il-ħtija. Maħfra li n-nisrani b’dispożizzjoni tajba jikseb taħt ċerti kundizzjonijiet determinati, permezz tal-ħidma tal-Knisja li, bħala dispensatriċi tal-fidwa, tqassam u tapplika bl-awtorità tagħha t-teżor tal-merti ta’ Kristu u tal-qaddisin”.
“L-indulġenzi huma parzjali jew plenarji skond jekk jeħilsux parti mill-piena taż-żmien li kienet tistħoqq għad-dnubiet jew ineħħuha kollha”. L-indulġenzi jistgħu jintrebħu kemm għall-ħajjin u kemm għall-mejtin. (Katekiżmu tal- Knisja Kattolika, Nu. 1471)

Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika, N°1472 Biex nifhmu din id-duttrina u din id-drawwa tal-Knisja għandna nkunu nafu li d-dnub iġib miegħu żewġ konsegwenzi. Id-dnub il-mejjet itellfilna l-għaqda ma’ Alla, u għalhekk ma nkunux nistgħu niksbu l-ħajja ta’ dejjem, u ċ-ċaħda ta’ din il-ħajja tissejjaħ “il-piena ta’ dejjem” tad-dnub. Minn-naħa l-oħra kull dnub, ukoll dnub venjali, iġib miegħu rabta ħażina mal-ħlejjaq, u minn din ir-rabta wieħed irid jitfejjaq jew f’din id-dinja, jew wara l-mewt fi stat li nsejħulu l-Purgatorju. Din it-tisfija teħles minn dik li nsejħulha “l-piena taż-żmien” mistħoqqa għad-dnub: Dawn iż-żewġ pwieni ma għandniex inqisuhom xi vendetta fuqna minn-naħa ta’ Alla, imma huma pwieni li joħorġu min-natura stess tad-dnub. Sogħba u konverżjoni li jkunu gejjin minn imħabba kollha ħeġġa jaslu biex jeħilsu għal kollox il-midneb, hekk li ma jkollux ebda, piena xi jnallas.. ""

1473 Il-maħfra tad-dnub u l-ħbiberija mill-ġdid ma’ Alla jġibu magħhom ukoll il-maħfra tal-piena ta’ dejjem għad-dnub. Iżda l-pwieni taż-żmien jibqgħu. In-nisrani għalhekk għandu jħabrek biex huwa u jilqa’ bis-sabar kollu t-tbatijiet u tiġrib tal-ħajja ta’ kull jum, meta jasal il-waqt, jersaq bla biża’ lejn il-mewt; għandu jħabrek biex b’għemejjel ta’ ħniena u ta’ mħabba, flimkien mat-talb u mal-ħafna suriet ta’ penitenza, jinza’ għal kollox mill-“bniedem il-qadim” u jilbes “il-bniedem il-ġdid” (ara Ef 4,24).

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Festa tal-Beatu Nazju Falzon, Terzjarju Franġiskan

Din is-sena wkoll l-Ordni Franġiskan Sekular se jiċċelebra l-Festa tal-Beatu Nazju Falzon. Ser tiġi ċċelebrata Quddiesa l-Belt Valletta, fil-Knisja Santa Marija ta’ Ġesù (magħrufa bħala Ta’ Ġieżu u fejn jinsab midfun il-Beatu) nhar it-Tnejn, 30 ta’ Ġunju fil-18.15 p.m.

Il-Ħajja ta’ Nazju

Nazju Falzon twieled fl-1 ta’ Lulju 1813 fid-dar numru 49, Triq id-Dejqa l-Belt. Il-ġenituri tiegħu kienu l-avukat Ġużeppi Falzon li aktar tard laħaq imħallef u martu s-sinjura Marija Tereża Debono.

Nazju ġie mgħammed fil-Knisja ta’ San Duminku fil-Belt nhar it-2 ta’ Lulju, jiġifieri l-għada li twieled. Hu kellu tlett ħutu oħra kollha subien. Dawn kienu Dun Franġisk, Dun Kalċidon u Antonju li kien avukat.

Ta’ 21 sena Nazju kien diġà llawrijat avukat u duttur tal-Liġi Kanonika. Hu sar avukat biex ikun jista’ jgħin lill-foqra b’xejn. Minħabba li dak iż-żmien kien hawn ħafna baħrin u suldati, Nazju beda jlaqqagħhom u beda l-appostolat tiegħu ta’ konverżjoni magħhom. Sas-sena 1840 Nazju kien ilaqqa’ fid-dar tiegħu madwar 30 suldat kull filgħaxija u kull nhar ta’ Ħadd in-numru ġieli laħaq il-100. Meta n-numru tas-suldati beda dejjem jiżdied, bosta suldati Protestanti kienu qed jiġu mħajra mis-suldati Kattoliċi Irlandiżi biex jattendu għal-laqgħat li kien jagħmlilhom Nazju fil-Knisja tal-Ġiżwiti fil-belt.

Nazju kien ta’ kuljum ilaqqa’ lis-suldati kuljum kwarta wara l-Ave Marija u wara li kien jingħad ir-Rużarju, kien ikun hemm anke xi katekisti biex iħarrġuhom fir-Reliġjon Kattolika. Ġieli kien ikun hemm xi mgħamudijiet. Kien ikun hemm il-qrar ukoll.

Bil-ħidma ta’ Nazju kkonvertew 650 Protestant, 4 Għarbi u 2 Lhud. Dan kien tassew appostolat abbundanti. Nazju Falzon kien iddedika ħajtu għall-appostolat tat-tagħlim tal-Katekiżmu tal-kbar u tat-tfal.

Fid-9 ta’ Mejju 2001 il-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II iddikjarah Beatu waqt żjara f’Malta flimkien ma’ Ġorġ Preca, issa Qaddis, u Adeodata Pisani.

Jekk tridu tkunu tafu iżjed fuq il-ħajja tiegħu żuru l-Websites

Sunday, June 15, 2008

13 ta' Ġunju - Sant'Antin ta' Padova

Sant’Antnin u l-Ewkaristija

Jekk sa mill-bidu kien hemm mewġ ta’ nuqqas ta’ twemmin dwar il-preżenza reali ta’ Ġesù fl-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa, dan kien jinħass ħafna fis-seklu 13, iż-żmien li fih kien jgħix Sant’Antnin ta’ Padova, imsejjaħ ukoll il-Qaddis ta’ L-Ewkaristija. Il-ġrajja storika tal-miraklu ta’ l-Ewkaristija u l-ħmara fil-ħajja tal-qaddis, tirrifletti tajjeb kemm tassew l-ereżija kontra l-preżenza reali fl-Ewkaristija kienet isserrep ġmielha.

Il-fatt gara f’Rimini, l-Italja. Wieħed nobbli bl-isem ta’ Bonillo ried iwaqqa’ għaċ-ċajt il-priedka ta’ S.Antnin dwar il-preżenza ta’ Ġesù fl-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa. Dan beda jxewwex in-nies kontra t-tagħlim tal-qaddis u darba kellu l-ħila jisfida wkoll lil S.Antnin b’imħatra. Sar ftehim bejniethom, iltaqgħu fil-pjazza tal-belt, S.Antnin ħa l-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa filwaqt li Bonillo ħa ħmara msawwma bil-guħ għal tliet ijiem. B’għaġeb ta’ kulħadd, kif il-ħmara waslet quddiem il-qaddis bl-Ewkaristija fidu, dik ċediet u bħal niżlet għarkobbtejha biex tadura lis-Sagrament Imqaddes. Kien kollu għalxejn li dak il-ħin ressqulha l-ikel biex tiekol u saħansitra bdew iniggżuha u jsawtuha, il-ħmara baqgħet b’wiċċha fl-art sa ma l-qaddis ta s-sinjal biex in-nies imorru lura f’purċissjoni bis-Sagrament lejn il-knisja mnejn kienu ġew.

Wieħed jistaqsi: għalfejn dan il-miraklu u tant oħrajn li saru wara? It-twegiba hi waħda għalina u minħabha fina, biex nemmnu u nħobbu lil Ġesù preżenti fl¬-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa. Sant’Antnin kompla jxerred din il-verità bit-tagħlim tiegħu li ħallielna fil-priedki msejħin Sermones. U għalfejn saret dik is-sena ddedikata għall-Ewkaristija? Biex insaħħu t-twemmin tagħna, biex nuru mħabbitna bl-għemil, biex ngħixu l-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa. Kif? Billi nżuru ta’ spiss knisja fejn hemm it¬-tabernaklu bl-Ewkaristija, nieħdu sehem kull meta ssir xi adorazzjoni Ewkaristika, kull darba li nidħlu u noħorġu mill-knisja nsellmu lis-Sagrament bil-qalb u bil-qima. Nisimgħu ta’ spiss il-quddiesa u nħejju ruħna sewwa għat-tqarbin. Wara, nagħmlu djalogu ma’ Ġesù li jkun fina. Meta ngħaddu minn quddiem knisja nagħmlu sinjal ta’ rispett lil Ġesù fl-Ewkaristija.

Dawn u hwejjeg oħra kien jagħmel il-qaddis Antonju matul ħajtu. Fuq l-eżempju tiegħu irridu aħna wkoll nikbru f’dik l-imħabba lejn Ġesù fl-Ewkaristija, dik l-istess imħabba li dwarha l-Mulej kien staqsa lil Pietru għal tliet darbiet: "Inti tħobbni?"